junior research fellow
Department of Computational Sciences
HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics
address 29-33 Konkoly Thege St, Budapest, 1121,
building 6, room 10
e-mail [last name].[first name]@wigner.hun-ren.hu
phone +36-1-392 2222 x2744
Domonkos graduated with a B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) in 2023, having written his thesis work in the lab. His research focuses on the intersection of mathematics and neuroscience, particularly in extending the Variational Autoencoder framework with biologically motivated principles. This work is conducted in close collaboration with Rodrigo Echeveste’s lab. Outside the lab, he is a dedicated musician and a scout patrol leader.