Multiple job opportunities (postdoc, PhD) are available at our lab to work on a collaborative project funded by a prestigious HFSP grant. The international team includes cutting-edge labs from Germany (Wolf Singer, Frankfurt), UK (Mate Lengyel, Cambridge), and the US (Peyman Golshani, UCLA). The focus of the research project is how acquired knowledge can be integrated with incoming information during visual perception. Joining team members will work on novel population analysis techniques and/or develop computational theories of hierarchical computations. The position offers a chance to learn state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, to access advanced computing architectures and to get actively involved in world-class experiments right from designing experiments, develop predictions, and analyse data. Experiments include multi-electrode multi-site recordings from awake behaving macaques and multi-electrode recordings and optogenetic manipulations in awake, task engaged mice.
We are looking for candidates with a passion for the most exciting questions about brain function. The ideal candidate has a strong background in quantitative disciplines (physics, math, computer science) and is competent in programming (e.g. python, matlab, R, C). It is an advantage to have a background in neuroscience, cognitive science, or a related field. Candidates with training or research experience in statistics, machine learning, computational modelling, dynamical systems are especially encouraged to apply.
Salary grade reflects the international nature of the project and is proportionate to the candidate’s career stage.
Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis. If interested, please contact Gergo Orban ( for informal inquiries.
Full applications include a CV, a research statement and contact information of two references
Research topics/Kutatási témák
- Neural code in the visual cortex: characterization of population activity using machine learning techniques / Neurális kód az agy látórendszerben: populációs aktivitás karakterizálása gépi tanulás segítségével
- Using Deep Generative Learning to investigate hiearachical processing in the visual cortex / Mély generatív tanulás (deep generative learning) használata az agy látórendszerében végrehajtott hierarchikus feldolgozás megértésére
- Testing the stochastic sampling hypothesis in dynamical models of navigation in the hippocampus / Sztochasztikus mintavételezés tesztelése az agy navigációért felelős területén, a hippokampuszban, implementált dinamikus modellekben