research assistant

Department of Computational Sciences
Wigner Research Centre for Physics


office: building 6, room 10
address: 29-33 Konkoly Thege St, Budapest, 1121
email: [last].[first]
phone: +36-1-392 2222 x2744

Zsombor  graduated as an M.D. from Semmelweis University (SE) in Budapest, Hungary. He joined the CSNL in 2019 as a student and conducted his undergraduate work in a cooperative project with Peyman Golshani Lab (UCLA, Los Angeles) on understanding the population dynamics of decision conflict resolution.


Hajnal, M. A.; Tran, D.; Szabó, Z.; Albert, A.; Safaryan, K.; Einstein, M.; Martelo, M. V.; Polack, P.-O.; Golshani, P.; Orbán G.. Shifts in Attention Drive Context-Dependent Subspace Encoding in Anterior Cingulate Cortex during Decision Making. bioRxiv. 2023.