New paper on the generative modelling of the early visual cortex in primates, preprint available on arXiv
read moreNew paper on perceptual representations for multi-task performance with the Golshani (UCLA) and Polack labs (Rutgers) on biorxiv
read moreTalk accepted at Bernstein: joint work with Balázs Ujfalussy, and Márton Kis on probabilistic computations in HC
read moreFellowship awarded for an internship for Virag Lakner (Cambridge, program in Nat Biological Natural Sciences )
read moreNew paper published on biorxiv on reverse engineering dynamical internal models from response times
read morenew paper available on biorxiv on a using Variational Autoencoders in thte context of semantic compression and its consequences on memory distortions.
read moreEastern European Machine Learning Summer School is coming to next town. July, Krakow, Poland, mark your calendars
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