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Posted by on Jul 2, 2024 in news |

Paper with the amazing Golshani lab on contextual gating in ACC published in Nature Communications

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Posted by on Apr 19, 2024 in news |

Congrats to Zsombor for gaining admission to ISTA’s competitive and stellar PhD program!

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Posted by on Jan 31, 2024 in news |

New paper on the interplay between high-level statistics and attention in monkey V1. Paper with our amazing collaborators, Andreea Lazar and Wolf Singer. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.108816

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Posted by on Jan 18, 2024 in news |

New PsyArXiv preprint on Transfer learning in humans by Anna Székely, in a collaboration with the Németh lab: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jvumf

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Posted by on Dec 14, 2023 in news |

David Nagy (currently at Max Planck for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen) successfully defended his thesis at Eötvös, delivering an impeccable show. Huge congrats!

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