Group leader
Gergő Orbán

Ferenc Csikor
Márton A. Hajnal
Balázs Meszéna

PhD students
Anna Székely
Kata Ócsai
Péter J. Szabó
Zsombor Ungvárszki

Research assistants
Domonkos Martos
Keith T. Murray

Masters and undergraduate students
Andrea Albert
Márton Csutora
Virág Horváth

Dávid G. Nagy (PhD student, moved to MPI Tübingen)
Balázs Török (PhD student, moved to Mozaik Ltd.)
Mihály Bányai (postdoc, moved to MPI Tübingen)
Zsombor Szabó (research assistant, moved to ISTA, Wien)
Antonio Calcagni (postdoc, now associate professor at University of Padova)
Merse Előd Gáspár (postdoc, moved to DeptCognitive Science, CEU)
Marcell Stippinger (postdoc)
Csenge Fráter (research assistant)
Andrea Albert (MSc student, physics, Eötvös University)
Bernadett Vass (MSc student, applied math, Eötvös University)
Júlia Papp (BSc Student, applied math, Technical University, Budapest)
Dávid Szalai (MSc Student, physics, Eötvös University)
Máté Büki (MSc Student, mathematics, Technical University, Budapest)
László Freund (BSc Student, informatics, Technical University, Budapest)
Florian Gesser (MSc Student, cognitive science, Universität Wien)
Judit Hermann (BSc Student, applied math, Technical University, Budapest)
Evelin B. Kiss (MSc Student, physics, Eötvös University)
Zsombor Koman (BSc Student, physics, Eötvös University)
Péter Kovács (MSc Student, mathematics, Technical University, Budapest)
Rezső Oberfrank (BSc Student, applied math, Technical University, Budapest)
Alex Olar (MSc Student, physics, Eötvös University)
József Venczeli (MSc Student, cognitive science, Technical University, Budapest)