Hajnal MA, Tran D, Szabo Zs, Albert A, Safaryan K, Einstein M,  Vallejo Martelo M, Polack P-O, Golshani P, Orban G (2024)
Shifts in attention drive context-dependent subspace encoding in anterior cingulate cortex in mice during decision making 
Nature Communications, 15, 5559
earlier bioRxiv version> 2023.10.10.561737

Lazar A, Klein L, Klon-Lipok J, Bányai M, Orbán G, Singer W (2024)
Paying attention to natural scenes in area V1
iScience 27, 108816, DOI:10.1016/j.isci.2024.108816

Márton AH, Duy T, Einstein M,Vallejo Martelo M, Safaryan K,  Polack P-O, Golshani P, Orbán G (2023)
Continuous multiplexed population representations of task context in the mouse primary visual cortex
Nature Commucations, 14: 6687
earlier biorxiv version

Ujfalussy BB, Orbán G
Sampling motion trajectories during hippocampal theta sequences
eLife 11:e74058, 2022

Török B, Nagy DG, Kiss M, Janacsek K , Németh D , Orbán G (2022)
Tracking the contribution of inductive bias to individualised internal models
PLoS Computational Biology, 18(6): e1010182. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010182.
earlier bioRxiv version

Balázs B Ujfalussy, Gergő Orbán (2021)
Sampling motion trajectories during hippocampal theta sequences
biorxiv, doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.14.472575

Nagy D, Török B, Orbán G (2020)
Optimal forgetting: Semantic compression of episodic memories
PLoS Computational Biology, 16(10): e1008367
earlier bioRxiv version

Bányai M, Orbán G (2019)
Noise correlations and perceptual inference
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 58: 209-217.

Gáspár ME, Polack P-O, Golshani P, Lengyel M, Orbán G (2019)
Representational untangling by the firing rate nonlinearity in V1 simple cells
eLife, 8:e43625 doi: 10.7554/eLife.43625

Mihály Bányai, Andreea Lazar, Liane Klein, Johanna Klon-Lipok, Marcell Stippinger, Wolf Singer, and Gergő Orbán (2019)
Stimulus complexity shapes response correlations in primary visual cortex
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 10.1073/pnas.1816766116.

David G. Nagy, Balázs Török, Gergő Orbán (2018)
Semantic Compression of Episodic Memories

Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2138-2143.
arXiv preprint: arXiv:1806.07990.

Bányai M, Lazar A, Klein L, Klon-Lipok J, Singer W, Orbán W (2017)
Stimulus content shapes cortical response statistics
BioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/238774

David G. Nagy, Gergő Orbán (2017)
Episodic memory for continual model learning

Bányai M, Koman Z, Orbán G (2017)
Population activity statistics dissect subthreshold and spiking variability in V1
Journal of Neurophysiology, 118:29-46, doi:10.1152/jn.00931.2016.

Török B*, Janacsek K*, Nagy DG*, Orbán G#, Németh D# (2017)
Measuring and filtering reactive inhibition is essential for assessing serial decision-making and learning
Journal of Experimental Psychology, General, 146:529–542.
*,#: equal contributions

Orbán G, Berkes P, Fiser J, Lengyel M (2016)
Neural variability and sampling-based 
probabilistic representations in the visual cortex.
Neuron, 92:530–543.
Preview from Xaq Pitkow: Probability by Time

Nagy DG, Orbán G (2016)
Episodic memory as a prerequisite for online updates of model structure.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2699-2704.

Houlsby NMT, Huszár F, Ghassemi MM, Orbán G, Wolpert DM, Lengyel M (2013)
Cognitive tomography reveals complex task-independent mental representations.
Current Biololgy, 10.1016/j.cub.2013.09.012.

Fiser J, Lengyel M, Savin C, Orbán G, Berkes P (2013)
How (not) to assess the importance of correlations for the matching of spontaneous and evoked activity.

Orbán G, Wolpert DM (2011)
Representations of uncertainty in sensorimotor control.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 21: 629-635.

Berkes P, Orbán G, Lengyel M, Fiser J (2011)
Spontaneous cortical activity reveals hallmarks of an optimal internal model of the environment.
Science, 331: 83-87.

Fiser J, Berkes P, Orbán G, Lengyel M (2010)
Statistically optimal perception and learning: from behavior to neural representations.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14: 119-30.

Orbán G, Fiser J, Aslin RN, Lengyel M (2008)
Bayesian learning of visual chunks by human observers.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 105: 2745-50.

Ujfalussy B, Kiss T, Orbán G, Érdi P, Hoffmann W E, Hajós M (2007)
Pharmacological and computational analysis of alpha-subunit preferential GABA(A) positive allosteric modulators on the rat septo-hippocampal activity.
Neuropharmacology, 52:733-43.

Orbán G, Fiser J, Aslin R N, Lengyel M (2006)
Learning Objects by Learning Models: Finding Independent Causes and Preferring Simplicity.
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp 645-650, Sheridan Publishing.

Orbán, Fiser J, Aslin R N, Lengyel M (2006)
Bayesian model learning in human visual perception.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18, Eds Y Weiss, B Schölkopf, and J. Platt. pp. 1043-1050. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Orbán G, Kiss T, Érdi P (2006)
Intrinsic and synaptic mechanisms determining the timing of neuron population activity during hippocampal theta oscillation.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 96:2889-904.

Huhn Zs, Orbán G, Érdi P, Lengyel L (2005)
Theta oscillation-coupled dendritic spiking integrates inputs on a long time scale.
Hippocampus, 15: 950-62.

Hajós M, Hoffmann W E, Orbán G, Kiss T, Érdi P (2004)
Modulation of septo-hippocampal Theta activity by GABAA receptors: an experimental and computational approach.
Neuroscience, 126: 599-610.

Orbán G, Kiss T, Lengyel M, Érdi P (2001)
Gamma-related theta-frequency resonance in CA3 interneurons.
Biological Cybernetics, 84: 123-132.