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Posted by on Dec 2, 2023 in events, news |

New preprint on hierarchical VAE for V1 and V2 computations on bioRxiv

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Posted by on Nov 20, 2023 in news |

Congrats to intern Laci Freund for 1st prize for his paper at BME student conference

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Posted by on Nov 20, 2023 in news |

Clocked five fun CoSyNe submissions. Thanks GoLab and our amazing collaborators! (for collaborating teams: UCLA, ESI, INSERM, & ULyon)

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Posted by on Oct 22, 2023 in news |

Paper on task switching and context representation in mice with our amazing collaborators, the Golshani lab (UCLA) published in Nature Communications: https://rdcu.be/do9kx

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Posted by on Oct 12, 2023 in news |

New paper spearheaded by Marci and Zsombor with the Golshani lab (UCLA) on biorxiv

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